Thomas Botch

Thomas Botch

Mr. Botch is presently a teacher of Mathematics and the Physical  Sciences in NJ. His work in the environmental field has included  research and policy determinations for the Portable Rechargeable Battery Association regarding toxic management of rechargeable battery disposal in landfills and the environmental loading of mercury and other heavy  metals when incinerated. He has worked on air permitting and the NJ  Pollution and Prevention Hazardous Waste Minimization Act as well as  implementing the concept of Sustainable Local Economies. Outside of the  environmental field Mr. Botch spent eight years in military avionics  electronics and worked as a consultant to varied pharmaceutical  companies on drug study data management.

New Jersey Institute of Technology - Master of  Environmental Science , Concentration Toxics
University of  Pennsylvania - Bachelor of Arts, Biology, Concentration Physiological  Psychology
NJ Professional Teacher Licenses in: Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry
Computer Certifications; Client Server Computing - Unix/Oracle/ProC+
Addendum Graduate and Undergraduate Studies in:
Mathematics, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

(973) 883-5608 cell primary email
tom.botch@gmailcom secondary email